Secrétariat international de la CNT

Solidarité avec la SACCAWU (Afrique du Sud)

Publié le vendredi 15 septembre 2006

Les adhérents du SACCAWU (syndicat du commerce de l'hôtellerie et du tourisme d'Afrique du sud) de l'entreprise Shoprite sont engagés dans une lutte depuis un mois environ.

Cette lutte difficile résulte d'un conflit du travail suite au refus déraisonnable de l'entreprise de garantir aux travailleurs une augmentation décente, d'améliorer leur conditions de travail et de respecter le droit du travail. Les sujets de discorde concernent plusieurs sujets comme des augmentations salariales uniformes et sans discriminations, l'attribution d'uniformes gratuits pour les employés à temps partiel, la question des fermetures tardives, les rapports sociaux dans l'entreprise, l'attaque des grévistes et piquets de grèves par des force de sécurité privées (appélées Red Ants), etc. Le détail des
revendications est ci-joint en anglais.

Le Saccawu nous demande d'envoyer des fax de protestations aux dirigeants de cette entreprise.

Voic un modèle (texte envoyé par le SI de la CNT) à adresser par fax :
Mr.Whitey Fax : 0027 21 980 4050
Mr.Callie Burger Fax : +27 21 980 4881 /4361

The french CNT (, national workers confederation) protest against the unreasonable attitude of the Shoprite direction in front of the strike of the enterprise workers. We support all the demands of the
union SACCAWU for better working conditions, wage increase, provision of uniforms to part-timers at no cost, etc. We also protest against the use of Red Ants militia to persecute, terrorise and attack picketers.
An injury to one is an injury to all,
The working class solidarity ignore the borders

Texte en anglais du syndicat SACCAWU sur la grève

SACCAWU members in Shoprite are currently engaged in a protected strike action which is in compliance with the Country's labour and relevant laws.

The bitter struggle results from a labour dispute arising from the company's unreasonable refusal to grant workers a decent increase as well as improve their working conditions. The issues in dispute are :

Wage Increase
The Union demands a mere R300 or 10% whichever is greater whilst the Company wants workers to accept an increase based on the divisive/discriminative offer. Shoprite argue that they can only afford a R300 increase to those workers employed in suburbs and traditionally white areas whilst those in townships, rural and traditionally black residential areas must make do with only R265. This offer is in the backdrop of the Company affording its CEO R59m package in 2005 and a rumoured R90m this year.

Provision of Uniform to Part-timers at no cost
The Union demands that the Company should provide uniform to part-timers without any charge. Since the Company wants workers to be identifiable with the company, then they must provide appropriate quality uniform at the cost of the Company. Shoprite refuses to afford part-timers with
uniform, which is another demonstration of discrimination and selective preference.

Agency Fee
The union demands that the parties enter into a collective agreement on the Agency Fee as anticipated by the provisions of the Labour Relations
Act, in order for those who are not members of the Union to remunerate the Union for the achievements and benefits they derive from the union's efforts. The Company continues to unreasonably dig its heels

Relationship Agreement
The Union demands that the parties conclude a collective agreement which is aimed at regulating the relationship between the parties and their successors in title. This is obviously informed by the fact that the Union wants to do away with the status quo wherein the Company consistently and contemptuously holds the Union and its members to ransom conveniently.

Late Trading
The Company has, true to the nature of capitalist opportunism, unilaterally introduced late trading without due considerations of its implications on workers. The union has demanded consultation on this issue as well as the Company to commit to and provide free safe and reliable
transport to those workers scheduled on late shifts. The Union also demands that the Company compensates such workers for late shifts. The Company arrogantly refuses and in fact resorted to dismissing workers for alleged operation requirements, right in the middle of a protected
industrial action.

The company has also gone on a rampage against workers as well as entered into a hostile concert with some conservative members of the Police Service, manipulation of the Justice system through lies and distorted representation to the Courts as well as hire the so-called Red Ants to terrorise and assault the picketers.

Whilst the Union is in the process of addressing these negative developments, we will appreciate that you serve a pressure letter/s on the Company as well as circulate same to your Affiliates to do likewise. For the purpose of pressure letters, the details are :

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